Man Shares Pre-wedding Photos With His pregnant Disabled Small Beautiful Wife as she's expecting twins


Man Shares Pre-wedding Photos With His pregnant Disabled Small Beautiful Wife as she's expecting twins

 Kademaunga, 26, who was born without elbows, legs, or feet, posted pictures of her growing baby bump on Instagram.

she shared photos of her baby bump and wrote;

“Hey guys. I cant believe i am going to be a whole mom, a whole mom guys. How great is God. 2022 was such a difficult year but God gave me a comforter, a blessing, a bestfriend and my pride. I know this child is going to be nothing but a blessing to us (dad and I) and generations to come. I cant wait to hold, kiss, touch, feel, smell you. I am so grateful.
Now i can post my full body pics in peace.”

Kademaunga, who is currently making headlines as a motivational speaker, acknowledged that growing up was not easy for her.

When I was born it was very hard for my family to accept that I was born with a disability because, at that time when a child was born with a disability, it was considered to be a curse from God,” she said.

Kademauga does her own and others’ makeup and hair without using her fingertips, depending entirely on her elbow-length muscles. She believed that until she chose to love, embrace, and be kind to herself, everything else fell into place....

she said; “I want to say to all people living with disabilities belief in yourself. You are magic. You are exceptional and wonderful with whatever disability that you have. You are just beautiful in your own way. Believe in yourself, don’t let the world define you, or tear you down. Whatever dream that you have, somebody out there needs you, go out there fly high.” 

In 2019, Kademaunga, who has a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the University of Cape Town, founded SK, a business that specializes in the motivational speaking and personal growth.

Kademaunga said she knows why people with disabilities are forced to beg for daily bread on the streets.

“For us people living with a disability, it is hard out there to compete with able-bodied people. Looking for jobs and other opportunities. But I want to say to those people (living with disabilities), keep on working hard, it’s not the end of the world because you are living with disability and never look down upon yourself.”

Kademaunga, who calls herself “The Confidence Coach,” said she has no regrets in life.

she added; “Everything that has happened in my life, I take it as a learning opportunity. I take it as a learning curve that has led me to be the person I am now,” 

She was awarded at Zimbabwe’s International Women’s Awards in 2016 for her bravery in confronting her disability.

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