How To Become a Traffic Officer Trainee in South Africa


How To Become a Traffic Officer Trainee in South Africa

 Traffic officer enforcement is the most important key in road safety so how do you become a successful traffic officer trainee in South Africa. The RTMC has sent an e-mail to all provincial head offices of traffic and to the head offices of metro police so that people can have access to the application forms You first need to be employed or appointed permanently or on contract as a trainee by a Provincial Department of Transport or a Municipal Traffic Department.

Definition & Background Information

Effective traffic enforcement is the most important requirement for road safety. We can have the best Rules of the Road, but if these are not enforced effectively, we will continue to have an increase in fatal accidents on our roads. Traffic enforcement is threatened by the crime of corruption, and it is important to understand the nature of such corruptions and the strategies to fight it.

Job type: Training


  • Grade 12 or equivalent (No specific subjects needed)
  • No criminal record · Code B driving Licence (manual transmission)
  • Medical Certificate – that a person may do strenuous exercises
  • Applicants shall not be older than 35 years of age
  • Must be employed by a Local or Provincial Authority

What you should be careful about:

  • Contact Traffic Departments directly for information on available trainee vacancies, application forms and opportunities for possible voluntary work.
  • No one can reserve a “space” for you at a Traffic College.
  • The training of Traffic Officers is funded by the state for selected candidates when posts are available.
  • Do Not make an upfront payment to anyone.
  • Be aware of bogus colleges, remember you can only be sent by a Traffic Department to a Traffic College, with NO middleman involved.


The Basic Training for Traffic Officers in South Africa can only be done at a Traffic College through a Traffic Department as a trainee. You start by contacting your local Traffic Department to find out if and when traineeships will be available.

How do you apply

Apply online for Traffic Officer Trainee in South Africa

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